The Warrior archetype is one of the ancient archetypes, reinforced by wars and warring for literally thousands of years. While not limited to the masculine, this archetype is predominately masculine. Every culture has a warrior narrative and each of these narratives have a great deal in common. Defending the weak and needy, protection of home and family/tribe/nation. They can exhibit indifference to risk and pain and are willing to fight to the death. Principled and devoted they are usually extreme in their personality.
The Warrior archetype enjoys physical activity and training, thrives on challenges and pushing the limits, competition, and perseverance. The Warrior archetype can be found in many areas of society, not just on the battlefield but in the sports arena, the corporate world, video gaming and so many other endeavors. The Warrior follows a code of ethics, a way of being in the world. These ethics are usually centered around the values of duty, discipline, and loyalty among others.
The Passive Warrior more commonly called the peaceful warrior, at first glance seems like an oxymoron. War is the opposite of peace, so how could someone be a peaceful warrior? The peaceful warrior practices all the qualities of the warrior: self-sacrifice, strength, and discipline for conquering the ego and mastering emotions rather than physical combat.
The Warrior is composed, restrained, dedicated, and connected to their hearts, for the heart is the source of courage and conviction. They are stoic but not heartless.
Words associated with the Warrior Archetype
- Strength
- Competent/Skillful
- Pushing Limits
- Decisive
- Defending
- Stoic
- Adaptable
- Courage
- Principled
- Loyal
The Militant is the shadow side of the Warrior. The Militant is forceful, and unconsciously controlled by powerful emotions such as vengeance, rage, and self-righteousness. The destructive power of the Warrior can be seen in the Militant in a variety of ways. The Militant can self-destruct, as is seen in workaholics for example. Masochism is part of the passive side of the Militant, tolerating extreme pain, self-sacrifice and taking strange pleasure in their own self-induced suffering.
The Militant in its active expression can become sadistic, taking pleasure in others pain. They despise weakness and this makes them despise the vulnerable. Instead of protecting and valuing vulnerability they ignore it or exploit it. Cruelty and heartlessness are part of this pattern, though they can be expressed in milder ways. For example, a mean-spirited comment at a family dinner can be heartless even if it is true.
Another example of the Militant is the mission focused person. To become overly focused on accomplishing the mission frees up the Warrior to act without thinking, to rely on their training so to speak. They stop thinking for themselves, get overly focused on the task at hand and are driven without a purpose.
The Militant uses intimidation and physical strength to dominate and control others. They create fear and chaos to which others cower. In a less direct way, the Militant can be passive aggressive, using comparison and shame to intimidate. They have become detached from their heart and lack true passion and courage.
These are extreme expressions and will not always be recognized. Look for the subtle ways in which these patterns show up in your life.
Words associated with the Militant Archetype
- Domination
- Intimidation
- Vengeance
- Sadism
- Cruelty and Heartlessness
- Masochistic
- Bullying
- Forceful
- Creating Fear and Chaos
- Destruction