Thresholds Weekly

Working With Grief
Grief is a natural human response to loss. It is not a single emotion but a constellation of emotions and physiological experiences. As such, it is

Start Where You Are
Whenever we come face to face with a challenge there are several ways people typically respond to them. Some people want to solve the whole

Your Inner Dragon
What is that one thing in your life that you cannot seem to resolve? Is it the feeling you will never be good enough? Maybe

The Power of Narration
What is narration? It is the telling part of the story. What do you tell yourself about your life? What stories do you perpetuate among

We don’t often consider the role that time plays in our lives. We talk about time, we schedule our lives around it, we use it

What is Compassion? Compassion is one of those words that is often synonymous with words like caring, sensitive, empathy and kindness. Compassion may include those

The Trauma Dimension
Traumatic events stop time. The body is overwhelmed, the mind is at a loss as to how to compartmentalize it, the emotions overlap and spill

The Blind Spot
It doesn’t seem to matter how much inner work and self-reflection one does there always seems to be areas where we just don’t see ourselves

Stick to the Facts
What are the Facts? This may seem like an obvious question with an obvious answer, but I was surprised by how many people I talk to

It’s a misunderstood concept. Like most words it has multiple meanings. Websters defines forgive as: to cease to feel resentment against (an offender). The number

Loneliness and Belonging
What is loneliness? You can feel lonely even when you are not alone. You can feel lonely in the company of friends and family. You

Becoming Worthy of Your Suffering
I first heard this phrase many years ago when I was reading Viktor Frankl’s Man’s Search for Meaning. (I didn’t realize at the time it

Seeking Approval
Seeking Approval Seeking for approval from others can be a source of constant disappointment and feeling inadequate. Why do we need approval from others? We

Introduction to the Toolbox
As a parent myself I have learned a few things about having children and the incredible role of being a parent. This newsletter is not

Have you ever seen a dog or cat see its own reflection in a mirror? They snarl and their hackles raise, or they try and