Thresholds Weekly

The Advocate/Punisher
The Advocate uses their voice to defend and speak for justice on behalf of others. They are motivated by those who are less fortunate, the

Vulnerability, we hear this word a lot these days. Vulnerability has become the new catch phrase for all things relationship. Brene Brown and her work

Decisions Make Themselves
So many of us worry incessantly about making decisions. Should I stay in my job that I don’t like much? Should I end this relationship?

Story Elements
After reading Robert McKee and his work on storytelling I wanted to share some of his insights into what makes a story and what a

The Hunter / The Scavenger
The Hunter archetype is very connected to the earth, to their primal nature, to instincts and intuition. The Hunter senses what is “out there,” and

Literary Agents
Searching for the right literary agent is one of the most stressful and overwhelming parts of book publishing. All those rejections and putting your work

When writing a book or even a shorter length piece like an essay it is useful to consider working with an editor. But where to

Prompts and Exercises
Some days it’s hard to get the creative juices flowing. Words seem boring and everything you write feels useless. On those days, it helps to

The Victim / Empath Archetype
The root of the Victim archetype is a fear that you cannot survive or will not survive. Not just physical survival but the survival of

Lessons and Motivations
To understand and identify an archetype you must first understand your own motivations for your behaviors. The action isn’t enough to accurately identify an archetype,

Emotions in Writing
Writing memoir is challenging enough but conveying emotion is one of the more difficult things to do. Emotion is felt in the body. To convey

Active and Passive Patterns
All archetypes have passive and active expressions. We all tend toward one or the other. A good way to think of this is introversion and

Beginnings, Middles and Endings
A beginning, a middle, and an end. This seems obvious that all stories are made up of these three parts. It is fundamental though to

Writing for the Reader
The challenge for artists of all stripes is to manage the creative impulse with the expectations of others. The musician needs an audience, the chef

The Punch List
The punch list is typically used as a construction term that highlights remaining work or issues on a project that have to be corrected before