Understanding The Saboteur / Protector Archetype

The Saboteur/Protector Archetype

Sabotage. The word is often used in spy novels and war films. It invokes images of an underground resistance and clever forms of disruption. But as an archetype the saboteur is often unrecognized. Mostly because we have been deceived by it. 

The shadow Saboteur disrupts our personal goals and prevents self improvement. It is the secret agent planting bombs on our inner railroads that are meant to take us further in life. The saboteur is concerned only with security and keeping you in your comfort zone. It causes stagnation and convinces us that doing nothing is better than making the wrong choice. The saboteur immobilizes us and convinces us that we have no choices or that we are better off where we are. Safe. 

The Saboteur has a light side. The Protector. 

Have you ever had the experience of almost making a huge mistake? What stopped you? Who stood in your path and reminded you that you didn’t really want to do whatever it was that would become a mistake? The Protector.

The Protector alerts us to a situation that doesn’t feel right, or stands in our way when we are about to make a poor decision. You can feel the difference when Saboteur is trying to convince you and the Protector stops you from doing something you might regret. The Saboteur is recognized by its continual use of excuses. I can’t, it won’t work, I would but. . . and so forth. The Protector feels like a hand on your shoulder asking you to pause, a small voice in your heart saying, are you sure about that? And in some cases, it feels stronger, like a NO. 

The Protector is concerned with keeping you aligned with your purpose and your heart. The Protector only interferes in cases where you are being influenced by others, or if you are going against your principles and your personal development. It protects you from your own ignorance and your needs to fit in. It is vital in helping you take risks and preventing you from stagnating. It inspires change and motivates you to take action. 

Do you make excuses for your life being less than what you want? Do you feel stuck and like nothing ever happens for you? Do you wonder why when you take risks they seem to backfire? It could be the Saboteur. But you can transform the Saboteur into the Protector. 

Some tips for working with the Saboteur/Protector Archetype

  • Notice. Archetypes operate at the level of the subconscious. Use the power of your attention and awareness to notice what is going on at the subconscious level. Shadow only means unaware. So by noticing you will instantly begin the transformation. 
  • Create a picture in your imagination, a character that represents these two aspects. How is your Saboteur dressed? What does it look like? What is the nature of its speech? What excuses are specific to your sabotage? What about the Protector? What does it sound like when it is advising you? Flesh out these two characters and it can enhance your awareness. 
  • Own it. When you find yourself sabotaging, name it. Take responsibility for that behavior and see if you can notice what the Protector would do instead. 

Archetypes belong in the world of symbols, dreams, and myths. Use these tools to bring awareness and changes into your reality. 

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Susanna Barlow