The Slave / Master Archetype

The Slave is an archetype characterized by the lack of personal power of choice. This archetype finds making decisions on their own very difficult and prefer to have someone else in charge. They are most comfortable when others take the lead. They tend to be passive and are often easily manipulated. Like all shadow behaviors the Slave is unconscious of is counterpart the Master. 

The Slave has found that being passive has yielded the best results for surviving. This is not simply a result of a meek and unassuming personality, the Slave believes that having their own will or guiding their own life creates more problems than it solves. Making choices is a real challenge to the Slave for they would prefer that others make decisions. No action is better than a wrong action. But allowing others to make their choices for them, is a choice itself, and one that has serious consequences. The Slave doesn’t trust their own wisdom and turn over their will to someone they think is better suited for making choices for them. But this also relieves them of any responsibility. Some key words and phrases associated with this archetype:

Lacks opinions
Too easy going 
Reluctant to make decisions, 
Fear of consequences, 
Wants the easy way 
Lack of responsibility 
Easily manipulated 
Gives up too quickly 

The Slave transformed becomes the Master archetype. 

The Master archetype is all about self-mastery. The Master will display amazing strength of discipline if they believe in what they are doing. They can have an iron will. They have a strong desire to excel and they work hard to develop skills to accomplish this. They may show intense dedication to projects and unwavering discipline in areas that matter a great deal to them. They have endurance where others would lose faith, they can withstand tremendous odds and rise up in the face of (what would appear to others to be) insurmountable difficulties.

Taking responsibility is the only way to reclaim the power from the Slave and become transformed. The Master is self-possessed and able to act according to their own consciences. The act of surrender is connected to the Master archetype. To master something you must surrender something else. Surrender is not the same as giving up. Surrender is the willingness to be responsible for power that flows through you. To let go of old belief patterns, old thoughts, painful emotions, requires an act of conscious surrender. The difference between giving up and surrender is choice. Surrender is much more challenging than giving up because it means choosing to let go of the need to control while also taking responsibility for choices made. Giving up is no longer believing in possibility. The Slave gives up, the Master surrenders.

Some keywords and phrases connected to the Master archetype

Making choices
Surrendering when necessary
Self Mastery
Acts calmly
Takes responsibility

Transforming the Slave into the Master requires deep examination. It can help to answer a few of these questions. 

Who or what is my master?

When I am a victim who am I also victimizing?

When did I last feel my true power choose?

What is my personal form of slavery and how am I held by it?

What part of me is held in bondage?

How do I use passive power?

Where is my willpower being directed?

What does self-trust feel like when it is exercised?

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Susanna Barlow