Thresholds Weekly

Relating to Money
Do I love money? Does money scare me? Is money really the root of all evil? Do I want to spend money? What does it

The Masculine and The Feminine
Everyone has masculine and feminine energies. From an archetypal perspective this is vital to our well-being and is not just a matter of opinion or

Learning to Trust Again
If you are in a relationship of any kind, you have probably been hurt and betrayed. It is quite impossible to be in relationship with

My Child Triggers Me
We all experience triggers. In the context of this article a trigger is anything that causes a disproportionate or exaggerated reaction to something. For example,

I Don’t Know How to be a Parent
The moment of true parenthood is one that most people never forget. For some it is a memorable moment that is filled with wonder and

Your Core Values
Your core values are the foundation of all your behavior. It is important to know and understand what your core values are because you live

The Mediator/Meddler
The Mediator archetype is part of the family of Justice/Corruption archetypes. Others often confide in the Mediator and their demeanor is usually calming and one

Managing Your Biases
We all have our opinions, attitudes, judgments, and strong feelings about all sorts of things. These are our biases. This comes from our experiences mostly.

The Divine Child/Fearful Child
The Divine Child is characterized by an unbreakable connection to Light, Source, God, Goodness, Nature, Truth, or whatever word best suits. One doesn’t need to

Plots, Protagonists and Timelines
Every story has a plot. If it doesn’t have a plot, it isn’t a story. It might be something else, but it isn’t a story.

Working with Dreams
Dreams have long fascinated me. What actually goes on in our subconscious minds while we sleep? Why do some dreams feel so significant that they

Acknowledging Your Strengths
As human beings we are great at seeing our weakness, our negative habits and all the ways in which we fail. But we could use

Managing Addictions
We all have addictions of some kind. When I refer to addiction, I am using that word loosely to mean any kind of compulsive behavior.

Story Structure
What is story structure? Story structure is the framework that allows a specific story to unfold. To create a good structure, we must start out

The Value of Doubt
I find the topic of doubt does not come up in conversations very readily. It made me wonder about the nature of doubt and why