Thresholds Weekly

Understanding The Saboteur / Protector Archetype
The Saboteur/Protector Archetype Sabotage. The word is often used in spy novels and war films. It invokes images of an underground resistance and clever forms

Understanding The Prostitute Archetype
The Prostitute archetype is one that people usually feel uncomfortable with because of its negative sexual association. The prostitute as an archetype has nothing to

Understanding The Missionary Archetype
Understanding the Missionary Archetype Do you feel called to perform some important mission in life? Have you always felt that you needed to do something

Understanding The Rebel Archetype
Understanding The Rebel Archetype An American Icon The Rebel archetype is a very American archetype and is in some ways a definitive behavior of the

Understanding The Wounded Child
Understanding the Wounded Child Archetype Introduction The Wounded Child archetype is only one aspect of the Child archetype. There are many variations of the Child

Understanding The Healer Archetype
Introduction to the Healer Archetype The Healer archetype is an old and intriguing archetype. Every culture from earliest tribes of ancient man all through the

Understanding The Magician Archetype
Introduction The Magician is an archetype associated with mystery, alchemy and transformation. In the shadow it can be used to deceive, distract and manipulate by